
Three of the Best UK Property and Renovation Shows of the Last 20 Years

by Staff & Contributors

There are a select few television programs to have survived the test of time and economic hardship, and here are three of our favorites.

9 New Shows Guaranteed to Earn a Second Season

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

Last week it was all doom and gloom for Debra Messing, Dylan McDermont, and Kate Walsh. Now it’s time we look at the 9 shows you can count on returning in 2015!

13 New Fall Shows That Will Be Cancelled by Christmas

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

This time last year, I made some predictions as to which new fall shows would be cancelled by Christmas, and what virgin network series would earn a second season. It’s that time again.

Data’s Game – The Best Player of Them All

by Staff & Contributors

Although Data is far from an expert in the nuances of human emotion, he is aware enough to know that they shouldn’t be excluded in any game of skill.

As You’d Expect, Donna Dixon from ‘Bosom Buddies’ Discovered a New Kind of Dinosaur

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Kip Wilson’s girlfriend went on to discover A NEW DINOSAUR, *AND* the Aykroyd family goes on dinosaur gigs! Too. Much. Information.

The 15 Worst Cliffhangers Left by Cancelled Shows

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Not all shows have time to map out a story arc with a definitive ending, and many have unclear futures when they air what ultimately turns out to be their final episode.

CW’s ‘The Flash’ Pilot has Leaked Online if You’re Into That Sort of Thing

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Here is the leaked “The Flash” pilot.

Power-Ranking Last Season’s 5 Freshman Comedies that Got Renewed

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

Will all five of these shows “graduate” and make it to syndication? Let’s have some more fun and guess how long each series’ run will be.

SCREEN TIME | Nerd-Focused TV and Movie News for May 29

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

The nerdiest bits of television and movie news for May 29, 2014.

10 Television Shows That Would Suck as LEGO Minifigures

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

While the Simpsons LEGO set and minifigures have been a hit, not all shows would translate as well to the brick format.

10 Ways ‘The Golden Girls’ Was Way Before Its Time

by Joe Zicari @SharePointJoe

Did you know Rose got Catfished in 1986?

Celebrities You Can Meet on Dating Sites

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

At the digital era a traditional way of meeting new people and searching for your love gives place to a new one that is online dating. It takes a few minutes to download you picture and to write some words about your interests and a person you want to meet.  That’s the whole story of […]

What Current Television Show Would You Pledge a Loyalty Oath To?

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Which comedy or drama do you solemnly swear to watch every episode of until it’s series finale, for better or worse, ’til [death/cancellation/brilliantly planned and executed finale] do you part?

18 Reasons You Should Be Watching ‘The Goldbergs’ on ABC

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

ABC’s The Goldbergs has settled in as one of the best sitcoms on this year’s schedule, and you can bet your binder full of Garbage Pail Kids (“they’re gonna be worth millions”) that it’s a huge reason ABC is owning Tuesday nights.

Attempting to Explain One of Television’s Great Mysteries: The Huxtable’s Basement

by Kevin Hellions @TeamHellions

Was the moon landing faked? What happened to the youngest daughter on Family Matters? Why is the ceiling of the Huxtable’s basement so damn high?