
Archive of UnderScoopFire’s (Somewhat) Recurring Columns

What if the Pina Colada Song had a Post Credits Scene?

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck
Thumbnail image for What if the Pina Colada Song had a Post Credits Scene?

Come with me on this stroll down nonsense lane and pretend it’s 2014 again, when life was easy and this site was overwrought with stupid nonsense.

10 New Fall Shows Guaranteed to Get a Second Season

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

Last week, we predicted the ten new shows that will not be back next season. This week, we take a look at ten new network shows that you can safely invest your time and emotions in.

10 New Fall Shows That Will Be Cancelled By Christmas

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

Here it is, your annual television death clock!

Remembering Mary Ellen Trainor

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

If you grew up a child of the 80s, you knew Mary Ellen Trainor.

HOW DID WE DO? Predicting 13 New Shows That Would Be Cancelled by Christmas

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Each year, our own Mr. Serious takes a look at the fall television schedule and identifies the new shows that are doomed from the get-go. In 2014, there were 13 shows on his list- here’s how he fared.

13 New Fall Shows That Will Be Cancelled by Christmas

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

This time last year, I made some predictions as to which new fall shows would be cancelled by Christmas, and what virgin network series would earn a second season. It’s that time again.

Power-Ranking Last Season’s 5 Freshman Comedies that Got Renewed

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

Will all five of these shows “graduate” and make it to syndication? Let’s have some more fun and guess how long each series’ run will be.

Mr. Serious Presents: Car Nap Tips From a Pro

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

While doing a press junket to promote his latest film, actor Morgan Freeman was caught “resting his eyes” for a few seconds. The Now You See Me star didn’t just nod off, it looked as if he was in full blown REM sleep.

Ask Mr. Serious Volume II: 80s Target Acquired

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

This week’s question comes from Brian via the UnderScoopFire comments:   If you were hired to assassinate your choice of 80s characters, who would you choose and how would you do it?   This question has the board game CLUE written all over it! I am going to go with Col. Mustard in the study […]

Ask Mr. Serious: Volume I

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

This week’s question comes from Jaimiee via Facebook. Jamie asks:   Can god microwave a burrito so hot he himself could not eat it? -Homer Simpson. Let me know   I could just answer “Yes” or “No” and be done but I don’t think that’s fair to you and quite frankly, it’s the easy way out. After giving it […]

Mr. Serious Presents: Confessions of a Black Friday Shopper

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

It started out as nothing more than perfect timing. My fiancé and I had just moved into our first apartment, armed with hand-me-down furniture and two 13 inch color televisions we had from our college years. It was mid November 2000, and we desperately needed an upgrade on our home entertainment system. At Thanksgiving dinner […]

John Tesh responds to ‘Mr. Serious Presents: A Love Letter to John Tesh’

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

Dear Mr. Tesh-   Enough is enough. You need to go away and you need to do it now. Its not that I don’t think you are a multi-talented superstar that has conquered almost every facet of the entertainment industry. It’s just, you are exposing me for the fraud I am: uncool. Recently I sat at […]

iPhone 5 – Worth the Upgrade?

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

It’s been a week since Apple announced the release of its latest game changer, the iPhone 5, to the general public. As a “junior” geek (just knows enough to be dangerous, not smart enough to know WHY I should have the latest gadgets), I was excited about all the possible innovations that would come with […]

Mr. Serious Presents: 5 Reasons You Should Be Watching the NHL

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

The NBA lockout is in full effect, and experts believe that even if the 2011-12 season can be saved, the players wont be back on the court until at least January. As days grow into weeks, the likelihood that the season will be scrapped looms over basketball fans everywhere. Fans have alternate outlets to get […]

Mr. Serious Presents: A Love Letter to Eddie Murphy

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

Dear Mr. Eddie Murphy- Hi! I hope you are well. My name is Corey and I am a huuuuuuge fan, from your early days on the small screen as a not ready for prime time player on “Saturday Night Live” to your break out theatrical performances in “Beverly Hills Cop” and “48 Hours”. Heck, I […]