
Pop Culture Collectors – Get Out Your Toys and Enter this Photo Mashup Contest!

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

It’s time to put your toy collecting (and arranging) skills to the test! #UnderScoopFirePhotoContest

Star Wars vs. Marvel is the Frontrunner for Twitter Conversation of the Year

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

The @starwars and @Marvel Twitter accounts engaged in an exchange yesterday that would redeem the social media platform for even the most jaded users.

Your New Favorite Tumblr Page: ‘Little Things About Masters of the Universe’

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

This blog rules harder than Fisto’s.. um, fist.

9 Adorable Baby Nicknames Based on 80s Cartoon Characters

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Who knew Masters of the Universe, Jem, and G.I. Joe characters would make such great baby nicknames?

7 Current Kids’ Toys That Will Appeal to Your Inner Child of the 80s

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Current moms and dads are far more likely to splurge on that toy for junior if it reminds them of the carefree days of yore.

Shoveling is for Chumps! You Gotta Get Yourself this RC Snow Plow Truck

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Check out the video of this fantastic creation!

The PRINT Edition of ‘Cool & Collected – The Magazine for Pop Culture Collectors’ Issue #1 is HERE!

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

The print edition of the premiere issue of Cool & Collected Magazine has arrived. Order your copy now!

Optimus Prime Changing Station: ‘One Shall Stand, One Shall Fold Down and Provide a Diaper Changing Area’

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

One shall stand, one shall fold down and provide a safe and practical baby changing station.

There IS a Negative Side to Being Employee of the Month at Walmart (Besides the Obvious)

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

Monday’s links are part of a balanced breakfast.

How Introducing The Flash on ‘Arrow’ Mucks Up the Shared DC Universe

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

With yesterday’s news that Wonder Woman had been cast and is now confirmed to appear in Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman vs. Superman’ film, the Man of Steel sequel has hit a critical mass.

Annie Get Your Thumb, ‘Thumbs and Ammo’ Replaces Movie and TV Guns with Thumbs Up

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

The Thumbs and Ammo website tagline is “Real tough guys don’t need guns, they just need a positive, can-do attitude”, which is why they’ve replaced the guns in movie and television scenes with upward pointing thumbs.

Like You Need Any More Reasons to Love Her: Jaimie Alexander Visits Children’s Hospital in Full Sif Armor

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

You know how Berlin’s Take My Breath Away plays in your head every time you see Jaimie Alexander? Well she’s not doing anything today to squelch that mega-crush.

Visual Proof that 80s Toy Commercials are 1000% Better in German

by Jason Gross @SockofFleagulls
Thumbnail image for Visual Proof that 80s Toy Commercials are 1000% Better in German

The kids in this ad were ready to invade Poland with a Wind Raider and an Attak Trak.