The Hundredth Episode – “Triple Digits, B*tches”

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck on July 8, 2014

in Podcast

Join in the celebration as we discuss our favorite TV shows that no one else is watching, play some games, and fulfill a 15 month-old promise.

We also had the honor and pleasure of interviewing a pop culture ICON, and NO topic was off the table. Listen to find out who!

[buzzsprout episode=’187503′ player=’true’]

Jason G July 8, 2014 at 10:51 am

Congrats on 100 episodes!

Was trying to remember when I started listening, pretty sure it was episode #2 when you talked M.A.S.K. That was around August and I started my blog in October mostly inspired by reading the USF website and in part from listening to children of the 80s reminisce on the podcast. The podcast also introduced me to Cold Slither, Fogs’ Movie Reviews (RIP), and of course the TPMP podcast. (If I had cable TV at the time, I probably would’ve gotten more involved with Madcast too.) I was glad to be a guest on a couple episodes too!

Here’s to the next 100!

HowardTheDeck July 8, 2014 at 11:08 pm

Seems like yesterday. Thanks for a great 3 years and 100 eps Jason, glad to have become friends via this crazy venture.

Dak the Knomadd July 8, 2014 at 10:50 pm

Congratulations on your 92nd 100th

I don’t always listen to the UnderScoopFire podcast, but
when I do I listen hard. J

The IMDB game is pretty genius. How would I go about
crediting you lot if I were to use it, too? I think my cohorts would have a
brilliant time giving it a go on our show.

Anyway, I’ve had a great time listening to you guys for the
last couple years, on those occasions when I do, so keep it up.

HowardTheDeck July 8, 2014 at 11:07 pm

Thanks for listening, hard or otherwise. Glad you dig the IMDB game. Thanks for asking how to credit us, I’d say just let ’em know where you heard it first! If that small segment can potentially bring us a couple of new listeners I’d be overjoyed. What is your show?

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