At last.
A guest that we should have brought in 25 episodes ago finally joins us to discuss… just about everything.
Corey and Howie have an impromptu & informal discussion with William B West about social media, spoilers and the fabric of today’s geek community.
Visit – a unique and entertaining pop culture blog, and follow him on Twitter @WilliamBWest.
If you’re shopping for toys, check out Will’s World of Wonder – great prices on hard to find items. He scours the yard sales and antiques malls so you don’t have to!
In this episode:
- Where to find the best G.I. Joe glory holes along the capital beltway
- Why Chris Hardwick will probably have this site shut down
- Brenda Walsh’s “Education Connection” and more things like this
- Will tells Rosario Dawson ‘she’s pretty’ and other embarrassing things
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FIIINALLLY…..The Will has come BACK….to UnderScoopFire!!!!
Some of us losers live alone and actually DON’T have anyone in the same room to talk about The Walking Dead with, so I will tweet about and you will like it, dammit.
still say the kind words you guys give are too much. (but thanks)
No it aint ever too much. You are the man, Lamar. Twitter would be so boring and nowhere near as fun without your presence.
Just gotta say I love USF and the USF listener Twitter community we have going on. WilliamBWest never disappoints and you guys hit a lot great stuff. I’m not gonna write a long winded post on all the various topics discussed, but I just love how you guys “keep it real” is the phrase I like to keep using. The respect meter just goes through the roof when I feel that way and I greatly thank you for that. Thank you for all the entertainment and laughs, not just in podcasts, but regularly on the Twitter feed in general.
I approve of this comment.
Kidding aside, thank you very much for that. I truly appreciate it.
Thanks Count!
Ugh, Ray J, Chris Brown? N**** please!?! We don’t need more podcasts to retread Facebook vendettas, Tweet wars, and grocery lane tabloid garbage. Give me some Voltron, or give me death!
Sorry you didn’t like it. BTW, when you’re a white male from Hilton, NY, are you allowed to say “N**** please?” Because you use the asterisks? Yeah, I’m not too sure about that…
I thought the Chris Brown & social media spoiler rules were pretty topical, but I guess you cant please everyone.
Still think it was Howie doing a funny voice…
So I mentioned over 5 different ways to find me online, yet you still think it was Howie? You must be a fan of Catfish. I did my homework to click your MySpace link and figure out who you were. I think you’d put your mystery to rest if you did the same. You might even find something you like.
Don’t you get when someone is f’ing with you Will? What gave away my secrets on the Interweb? Could it be because I have my myspace account listed as my website? If you did any real digging, you’d know that I am USF Voltron purist and don’t take kindly to your kind. Just like I can see you right now, in your Mom’s basement, naked and clutching a bowl of Jell-O.
By the way, 1998 emailed me and wants your Rock reference back. Toolbag.
Hey, I didn’t come to the Waffle House and kick the spatula out of your hand, so don’t tell me how to do my job. It’s one thing to not care for something. You’re not going to like every episode. You move on. You don’t start with “I don’t care for your kind”. And yeah, 2003 called and said you need to update the song on your MySpace profile. Miss Elizabeth is dead now.
I’ve had 4 people say that they think Will should be a regular guest, and 2 others say they’d love if he took the open Voltron spot Googs left. This ep was one of my favorite to do.
Yes, moar Will please!
What does “your kind” mean? Don’t answer that. You gotta back off man.
If Will is in, I’m out…BTW, didn’t mean anything by the your kind turn of phrase, other than egotistical jakked up goobers that live their lives through Twitter.
This ain’t what I signed up for. A podcast about tweets, and social media. I thought it was a pod for children/geeks of the ’80s. The most recent podcast was poorly executed, you jumped into the topic like you expected your audience to know exactly what you would be talking about.
Not funny, no creative, not original, and not worth my time.
Bitching about a free podcast that no one told you to listen to. We appreciate the feedback. I’ll pass your editing notes on to Corey.
Just define your audience, you’re all over the damn place. Mainly, your audience is you, and whatever you find funny or topical. It’s way too inside, if someone doesn’t follow you guys on Twitter, why would any one give a care? Not bitchin’ about the cost of a free podcast, just be upfront if you’re changing the format of USF, there are clearly changes amid the absence of half your Lion every ‘cast. And the throwaway casts from correspondeces? Why would you put the good name of USF on that trash? Are you hard up to fill content, or is your heart just not in it anymore. Give a brotha a smart phone, and he thinks he’s Salinger.
It’s that Better-Blog-to-Believe Society. I am a writer, but don’t have enough ego to blog or pod incessantly about glory holes, Twitter unrest, and Shannen Fucking Doretty.
Nice Will, berate the audience with Waffle House humor. You’re a special guest. Know your role, to paraphrase your fave-go-to. The reason why my my space hasn’t been updated since the last decade, is because it’s fucking myspace! And for once in my God damn life, will you bloggers or casters stop calling it your job. You do for fun, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just don’t take yourself and the idea that people really care what you think too seriously.
It was a metaphor. Say it with me “met-uh-for”. I know it’s not a job. Just like I hope you don’t work for the Waffle House. Now for more vocabulary. Do you know the meaning of the word “irony”? ‘Cause that’s what this is. You left a comment on a post about a podcast dealing with internet trolls and “web beef”. This entire thread just generated enough content for TWO more episodes at least, ON THE SAME TOPIC. Man, if you thought you hated me now…
Our site’s logo is a hashtag. We do a ‘Tweet of the Week’. We mention Twitter every show. Every guest we’ve had, including George Steele & DDP, were because of Twitter. The show is HEAVILY influenced by social media. That’s the way the world we operate in works. People with dial-up and home phones don’t typically listen to or share podcasts.
We got good feedback on the podcast Brian, Dean & Shake did as well. Sorry you didn’t enjoy it. I thought it was great.
And please, never blog about “Shannen Doretty”, since I have no idea who that is.
As producer of the podcast, I appreciate all the feedback, whether its positive or negative. One of our goals is to make the next episode better than the last.
If you have listened since Episode 1, you understand that most shows have one specific topic we focus on. We tend to get sidetracked here and there, and it usually enhances the show. We have produced shows that are on the fly, organic discussions about whats “buzzing” at the time, namely the LucasFilm sale and most recently, the SPOILER ALERT topic that was born on Twitter. These type of shows are a different change of pace for us, and we have had fun mixing it up. Outside of your feedback, it truly has been all positive.
As someone who listens to many weekly podcasts, I too would be disappointed after investing almost 2 hours on a show that I thought was ” not funny, no creative, not original,” and not worth your time. Hopefully of the 55 shows we have released, its the only one that has let you down. If you have enjoyed the rest of the free shows, please give us another shot! We will be releasing another episode next week! But if this was the episode that broke the camels back, I wish you the best going forward.
I would encourage you to continue visiting the site daily, where new content is released all the time!
Thanks for listening and thank you for the feedback!
PS. If you have any other constructive criticism you would like to share, feel free to email me anytime
When I came to check out the anticipated shitstorm after listening to the show yesterday I was definitely expecting it to be more Nerdist related. lol
It’s still pretty funny to read…
Yeah this was definitely out of nowhere! Not every ep is gonna be everyone’s favorite, we were all just surprised by the passionate reaction.
So I went back and re-listened to this one after reading the shitstorm of comments here and I honestly think this is one of the BEST (funniest) USF episodes. I laughed my ass off at it so many times. Don’t know why anyone could be “sippin on the haterade” over this. Maybe it’s because I spend hours on Twitter almost daily and can relate to most of it? I dunno.
Oh well, got the new episode on deck! 😀
Isn’t he great? A guest we will definitely be having back.. perhaps very soon! (As in this week) (not that you don’t already know that) (Magnum PEE yai)
So funny. Spinoff show!