
Tank’s Tricks ‘r Treats: 31 Scary Movies in 31 Days – Frankeweenie, The Hole, Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers

by Chris Tanski

Hello Boils and Ghouls, it’s time for an update on the Tricks ‘r Treats challenge. I am slightly behind schedule but I always start out that way and finish strong. Here are the links to the earlier entries in this series. Today’s three movies exist at all different points on the spectrum. Let’s jump right […]

National Lampoon’s ‘Vacation’ Cast Reunion

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

By now you probably know that all of us at UnderScoopFire are huge fans of the Vacation franchise – evidenced by our Christmas Vacation podcast, and our ranking of Vacation amongst the 50 funniest movies of all time. Naturally, we were excited to learn that the cast of Vacation was among those that would reunite […]

Tank’s Tricks ‘r Treats: 31 Scary Movies in 31 Days – Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)

by Chris Tanski

Hello kiddies, time for another day of Tank’s Tricks ‘r Treats. In case you missed it, I’m planning on watching and writing about 31 scary movies in 31 days leading up to Halloween 2012. Movie #1 was Night of the Living Dead (1990). For this installment I bring you the theatrical cut of Halloween (6): The […]

Tank’s Tricks ‘r Treats: 31 Scary Movies in 31 Days – Night of the Living Dead (1990)

by Chris Tanski

Hello kiddies, your old Uncle Tanker here to bring to you my special Halloween holiday goodies. For the past few years I have set a goal to watch 31 horror films (new & old) in 31 spooktacular days. This year isn’t any different, but I will bringing the experience to UnderScoopFire. Light your pumpkins, grab a […]

The 100 Greatest Pop Culture Villains of All Time

by Sarah Morin
Thumbnail image for The 100 Greatest Pop Culture Villains of All Time

|  100  |  90  |  80  |  70  |  60  |  50  |  40  |  30  |  20  |  10  |  1  |   100. Gordon Gekko (Wall Street) “We make the rules, pal… Now you’re not naive enough to think we’re living in a democracy, are you buddy? It’s the free market. And you’re a […]

10 Fictional “Movies Within a Movie” That We Actually Want to See

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Sometimes movie plots involve fictional movies within the movie. Often these references to fake movies are just throw away lines, but sometimes they are central to the plot. Whatever the case, sometimes we wish these fictional movies they mention were actual films – here are ten examples:   Chubby Rain (Bowfinger) Low-level producer Bobby Bowfinger […]

Podcast #44 – The 10 Funniest Movies of All Time

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

You have a choice.   We began a list of the 50 Greatest Comedies of All Time, and it brought you here. Thank you for checking out #50-11, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. You can click here to read the 10 Funniest Movies of All Time  -OR- We gathered the 4 […]

Casting Call: ¡Three Amigos! Reboot

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

If you haven’t checked out The League of Extraordinary Bloggers, it’s a great way to discover some great new sites. Their weekly topics are always entertaining and inventive. This week, the assignment is to reboot and recast one of your favorite movies. Last December marked the 25th anniversary of the theatrical release of ¡Three Amigos! […]

Top 10 Movies I’ve Never Seen

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

I am publishing this most embarrassing list today for a reason. I grew up as a child of the 80s just like many of you, watching classic sitcoms & cartoons, playing with toys, reading comics, etc. The one gaping hole in my 80s childhood was movies. I’m not sure if my parents deliberately sheltered me, […]

The Karate Kid Episode IV: A New Outlook – Comparing the Star Wars & Karate Kid Trilogies

by Sarah Morin

Way back in the dark ages of 1996 before Wi-Fi and even cable in college dorm rooms, my college roommates and I suffered through a near complete disconnect from the real world.  It seems like a lifetime ago, considering how today we are all connected to everything 24/7. One of the results of this disconnect […]

Why Nobody Gives a F*ck About Superman

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Totally stole that line from the opening sequence of the video below, but I had to grab your attention somehow. Whether or not you’re a fan of comics, or specifically Superman, doesn’t really matter here – this video will entertain you. If you did live through The Death of Superman as a comic fan in […]

Which Movie or Television Character Do You Share a Birthday With?

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Flavorwire recently published a great infographic called Fictional Character Birthdays. I’ll admit to checking it out more than a few times since being turned on to it. The one thing I haven’t quite figured out is how some of these birthdays have been determined. I know sometimes a fictional character celebrates or mentions a birthday […]

Superhero Origins That Have Been Inspired by Celebrities and Pop Culture

by Corey Pung

In many instances, superhero origins have been inspired by celebrities and pop culture. The comic book industry has always had an organic, symbiotic relationship with the rest of the culture; sometimes giving, sometimes taking.  Along the way, many superheroes got their look or attitude from popular actors, and many stories were loosely inspired by popular […]

Five of the Worst VHS Tapes a Guy Can Own

by Chad E Young

I am a huge fan of VHS. I love them. Plain and simple. It’s a dangerous addiction that I try to fight, but  it comes back and hits me when I least expect it. In fact, at one point I had so many VHS in my collection I was up to almost 500. While that’s […]

An Ode to Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo (To the Tune of Oh, The Places You’ll Go)

by Chris Tanski

The following is an Ode to Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo and was composed by Dr. Tank   Miracles! Get out your cardboard. Get out your loud boom box! Sweet moves, you’ll be floored! You will spin on your head. You will pop and or locks You can do the dolphin in bare feet or in […]