
7 Iconic Movies Released in 2007

by Staff & Contributors

Hard to believe its been a decade since these films were released.

90s Sitcom BFFS We Totally Wish We Had

by Staff & Contributors

The absolute best part of these throwback sitcoms was the “best buddy” relationships.

Amber Nash talks Archer Season 8, The Golden Girls, and Pam Poovey Spin-offs

by Andrew Bloom

Amber Nash is the award-winning actress who’s brought Pam to life over the last eight seasons of the show. I had the pleasure of chatting with Amber about the new direction Pam’s taken in the noir-inspired Archer: Dreamland, her inspirations and influences, and what the future holds for the inimitable Ms. Poovey.

A Decade Before the Mall of America Did, Children’s Television Had a Black Santa Claus, and the World Didn’t End

by Andrew Bloom

Disney did it way before Mall of America.

How Daredevil’s Season 2 Finale Dragged the Whole Season Down

by Andrew Bloom

What is it, to be a bad finale? Does it give even the better elements of your season a disappointing aftertaste?

The 100 Sexiest Women on Television | 2016 Edition

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

These are the 100 hottest women on television in 2016.

Agent Carter: The Different Paths of the Hero and the Villain in “Smoke and Mirrors”

by Andrew Bloom

The series has the strongest lead among Marvel’s television offerings, and it lets star Hayley Atwell carry the show in both its comedic and dramatic moments.

Why You Should be Watching ‘The Grinder’

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

One of the following statements is true:
Rob Lowe is 51 years old.

Rob Lowe is a Jedi.

10 New Fall Shows Guaranteed to Get a Second Season

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

Last week, we predicted the ten new shows that will not be back next season. This week, we take a look at ten new network shows that you can safely invest your time and emotions in.

10 New Fall Shows That Will Be Cancelled By Christmas

by Corey Chapman @chapmanrunner

Here it is, your annual television death clock!

Show Me That Scoop Again: UnderScoopFire Growing Pains Theme Mashup

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

Words can’t describe how honored I am to be a part of this. 

The Sopranos in “College”: The Seeds of the Show’s Spiritual Successors

by Andrew Bloom

In its first season, The Sopranos planted seeds that would be harvested years later by shows like Mad Men and Dexter.

The Final Season of Mad Men: A Parade of Absentee Mothers and the Double Standard

by Andrew Bloom

The final season of Mad Men sketched the contours of one of the most persistent double standards that American society still struggles with today — the different expectations of men and women in their role as parents.

Daredevil/Night Court Opening Theme Mashup

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck

What if Marvel’s lawyer without fear plead cases in Judge Harold T. Stone’s courtroom?