The 10 Worst TV Dads of All Time

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck on June 18, 2012

in Television

Happy Father’s Day!


Throughout the day I’ve been posting to Facebook and tweeting the Top 10 Worst TV Dads of all time.

To recap:

10. Arthur Spooner (King of Queens)

9. GOB Bluth (Arrested Development)

8. Archie Bunker (All in the Family)

7. The Cigarette Smoking Man ( The X-Files)

6. Frank Costanza (Seinfeld)

5. Walter White (Breaking Bad)

4. Anthony Cooper (LOST)

3. Peter Griffin (Family Guy)

2. Tony Soprano (The Sopranos)


Now we’ve arrived at #1. The WORST TV Dad of ALL TIME.

Who could be worse than the 9 heinous pops we’ve already seen?

Only this can be said – at least the offspring of the above 9 men got to see their fathers. As bad a role model or caregiver as they were, they were there for their sons and daughters; even if ‘being there’ meant conning them out of a kidney (except GOB, but he didn’t know about Steve Holt until Steve’s senior year).


Not this guy.


“Could he BE spending less time with his kids?” – Chandler, circa 2003

Ross Geller appeared in 238 episodes of Friends.

His son Ben appeared in 7.

His daughter Emma appeared in 5- most of those with her mother, Rachel.

Over 10 years of Ross’ life, we saw each of his children for ONE week. Total.


Ross Gellar’s children only took part in 3% of his life as we knew it. Like I said, at least the other 9 fathers were there more than 3% of the time for their kids.

Seen here booking a flight, never considering taking his kids or who will care for them


The only honorable mention goes to Al Bundy.. not for being among the worst TV dads, but we honorably mention him for the hell he was put through for 11 seasons on Married with Children. I think he did pretty well considering what he had to work with.

@OldSchool80s June 18, 2012 at 7:09 am

Fun list and much harded when you open it up to all decades.

Not sure if you caught my list I did a couple years ago which was just for the 80s, but included both TV & Movies.

Howie Decker June 18, 2012 at 10:39 am

Great list! Now that I’ve seen Stand By Me, I can agree with Mr. LaChance! (it was in my Top 10 unforgivable Movies I hadn’t seen, but I’ve since fixed that transgression)

Jaina June 18, 2012 at 9:30 am

Ha! Yes Ross, you clearly do suck at fatherhood.

But woah woah woah, why is Walter White up there? He’s a badass! Be awesome to have him as my dad – Heisenberg!

Howie Decker June 18, 2012 at 10:37 am

Just trying to throw some curveballs up there instead of rehashing the same 10 everyone would expect. In the case of Ross: the fact that Ben and Emma didn’t garner ratings isn’t Ross’ fault. I’m sure he spent every waking moment off camera with them đŸ™‚

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