National Toy Hall of Fame Finalists Announced – VOTE for your Favorite!

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck on October 11, 2012

in Culture

Since 1998, every year the National Toy Hall of Fame in Rochester, NY inducts a new class of toys into its prestigious ranks.

The finalists for 2012 induction were recently announced, and I thought it would be interesting to let you vote on which toy you would induct into the hall of fame.

Previous inductees include Barbie, G.I. Joe, Atari 2600, Hot Wheels, Play-Doh, Nintendo Game Boy, LEGO, Lincoln Logs & much more. Check out the full list of Hall of Fame Toys here. They have archived some pretty cool online collections to go with what is on display at the museum. Here is the G.I. Joe online collection.

This year, an impressive class of toys are up for induction. Typically more than one nominee is inducted per year, but which ONE toy on this list do you think most deserves to be in the Hall?

See below for the list and cast your vote for the toy you think should be inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame class of 2012!


The 2012 inductees to the National Toy Hall of Fame will be revealed at a special ceremony on Thursday, November 15.


Brian Morin October 11, 2012 at 10:46 am

I voted for Little Green Army Men. A great toy that you could play with anywhere without worrying about losing pieces, or even a few men. My friends and I would spend hours outside building bases and bunkers, hiding snipers and bazooka guys. Army men are one of my favorite summer memories from growing up.

Mike October 11, 2012 at 11:28 am

I voted Star Wars. Really not sure why it took 15 years for them to get nominated.
The line redefined toys for boys between 5 and 12. Before SW figures(and vehicles), it was 12″ GI Joes that boys had, based more than anything ona crossover from Barbie. Great for articulation, but the vehicles were huge, and cost prohibitive to make.
Enter the 3 3/4″ figures, and all of a sudden you could have a viable X-Wing and Millenium Falcon in production. Carry that over to GI Joe, and you could have all kinds of things from F14s to an aircraft carrier.

Howie Decker October 11, 2012 at 8:10 pm

I agree Mike, how they have not been inducted yet is a mystery. Should’ve been first or second class- like you said, they changed the entire industry forever. Well put!

Thanks for the comment Mike!

Dex (@Dex1138) October 11, 2012 at 3:23 pm

Army Men are a classic toy staple that will never go out of style and they should be in there already. I had to cast my vote to Star Wars though (which should also be in there already!)

Howie Decker October 11, 2012 at 8:13 pm

I have a hard time with the fact that neither are already in! They should both go in this year.

Count Marzo October 11, 2012 at 7:57 pm

I voted for Lite Brite. Turn on the magic of colored lights!!!1!

Count Marzo October 11, 2012 at 11:18 pm

I see Star Wars as a movie franchise first and foremost so I can’t vote for it for best toys of all time since it wasn’t a toyline first. G.I. Joe was a toy first and foremost so that definitely belongs on there ASAP.

Little green army men are definitely a major classic. They definitely deserve it too. Also isnt there a difference between board games and toys?

Now where’s Masters of the Universe?! That started off as toys before anything and outsold even Barbie during it’s 1980s heyday! 😉


Jason aka SockofFleagulls October 12, 2012 at 1:57 pm

I went Simon…it was a toss-up between that and the army men.

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