Look at This Hulk/Hawkeye Face Swap Because You’ve Been Working Hard and You Deserve It

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck on April 3, 2014

in Culture

Creative and talented movie writer Tom Butler (@tombutler) swapped Hawkeye and the Hulk’s faces and I had to share the image with you, because just like ‘misery’, ‘amused yet mildly disturbed’ loves company too.

I think what makes this so humorous is that it’s not just a straight-up apples to apples Ruffalo/Renner face swap. It’s a Hulked out Ruffalo’s face on Hawkeye’s markedly un-Hulked body, juxtaposed with a somber, focused Renner’s face on the Hulk’s body. In summary: Hulk faces on regular bodies (Tumblr page idea!) are hilarious, and it’s great work.


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