How Does a Criminal Record Affect Your Life? 

by Staff & Contributors on October 24, 2022

in Gaming

If people search arrest records, will they find yours? Could it have an effect on your life? Chances are good that it will. Here are some of the impacts that it could have on your day-to-day life.

Your Chances of Getting a Job

Employers do extensive background checks on candidates for jobs. Having a criminal record can quickly get you out of the running, no matter what other qualifications you may possess. As a result, you may not be able to earn the money that you are worth and find yourself in a much lower-paying position.

When you apply for a job, you will see a question about criminal history. You need to list it if you were convicted, but not if you weren’t convicted or if the charges were removed from your record.

Your Chances for Child Custody

Your arrest record can directly affect whether you will be able to have custody of your child. The odds are even more against you if you commit domestic violence or any other violent act. You could have a misdemeanor, but if it is against your family, that could also torpedo your chances.

Your Chances to Adopt Children

This depends on the state, but the majority of them won’t allow you to adopt children if you commit a misdemeanor against your family. Many of them also will not allow you to adopt if you commit something under the influence of alcohol.

Your Ability to Drive

You may lose your ability to drive for a certain amount of time. The amount of time can be anywhere from six months or longer, especially if you commit a crime while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You may also have to take courses in drug education to get your license back.

Your Chances of Getting a Firearm

States are usually not that keen on giving firearms to people who have committed a crime, especially a felony or Class A misdemeanor. If this is the case, then you will not get a permit to have one.

Your Chance of Immigrating

Are you thinking of immigrating to America? Your chances of getting a green card drop dramatically if you have a criminal record. The same goes for those who want to change their immigration status or become a naturalized citizen. You may even find yourself being deported back to your country if you commit a crime.

Your Chances of Going to College

While colleges are all about learning and offering chances to people, they also are reluctant to let in people who have a criminal record. This varies by colleges or universities, but many of them are also not going to give financial aid to people who have been convicted of sexual or drug-related crimes.

Your Chances of Getting a Healthcare License

If you want to be a nurse or another type of healthcare practitioner, you should have a clean record. Even a misdemeanor conviction can severely hurt your chances of getting a license to practice in the medical field.

Your Chances of Renting or Leasing

Landlords can do background checks on you if they want and they can then refuse to let you rent an apartment or other space if they find that you have a criminal record. This is especially true if you have a sex offense – there is typically no statute of limitations for them to deny you a chance to rent there.

If you are arrested and it is found that you have been convicted of a prior crime, then the court could impose more severe penalties due to that.

Having a criminal record can have many wide-ranging impacts on your life – ranging from where you work to where you are able to live. It creates quite a stigma that can be quite hard to shed, no matter how hard you try. People tend to lump all criminals into one group and shun them all.

Aside from having a really good criminal defense lawyer when you are actually tried for a crime, the best thing you can do is be up front about the arrest record. That way, businesses or landlords won’t feel blindsided when they do their due diligence. It can soften the blow and allow them to look at you in a different light. It might actually give you a chance.

Committing a crime can lead to a lot of regret. That record will be something that follows you – but you can still live a good life with one. It just takes effort.

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