Can I Resume Physical Activity After a Penile Implant? 

by Staff & Contributors on October 23, 2022

in Gaming

Most of the time, penile implant surgery is an outpatient procedure that takes about an hour to perform. Within a day or two, you’ll be back in the comfort of your home. But with the procedure being simple, does that mean one can resume physical activity immediately? Not really. Like most surgeries, you need to allow the wound to heal properly before resuming strenuous activity.

What Can I Expect From the Surgery?

The success of your surgery will depend on the surgeon you choose. You can look up penile enhancement surgery near you and then select a facility with a good reputation. A facility with a record of satisfying patients will do a good job. A penile implant allows one to feel the natural sensation and ejaculate as usual. But after the surgery, the doctor will give you instructions to follow to ensure great results.

The First 48 Hours After the Surgery

Immediately after the procedure, avoid any activity. Doctors recommend resting during this time. However, you can take walks but keep them to a minimum. Avoid lifting heavy items. Anything above 25 pounds is a no-go. When the implant is stored, it will leave some scars. You want those scars to heal well, and too much activity can prevent that.

3 to 7 Days After the Procedure

On the third day, your wounds will have started healing. Still, avoid any activity that requires you to twist the body in any way that can affect the wound. For instance, avoid driving one week after the surgery. Also, if you feel any discomfort when you make any sort of movement, stop immediately. You can return to work 1 to 2 weeks after the surgery. After seven days, most patients are usually fine.

After Penile Implant Surgery Care

The doctor will dress the cut to protect it and allow it to heal after the surgery,. The incision might also leak some fluid, but this is normal. Wear compression shorts or snug underwear, and keep the penis pointed towards your abdomen for around two weeks. During the first 48 hours, avoid taking showers or baths. After that, every time you shower, don’t scrub or rub the area. You’ll affect the incision. Wash the area gently with water. Use a clean towel to dab the area gently. Also, avoid swimming and using a hot tub or bath until the incision heals completely. This usually takes about six weeks.

The surgeon will place a special type of glue on the incision during surgery. Once you get home, resist the urge to peel it off. It falls off on its own as you continue healing. The suture will dissolve on its own after a few weeks. Don’t try to remove it or cut it. If you notice the area around the incisions separating a little, you can apply antibiotic ointment to facilitate healing.

Addressing Complications

There are rarely any complications after this type of surgery. But if you experience symptoms like chills, fever, nausea, and vomiting, reach out to your doctor. If you feel like the soreness is not improving, or it’s getting worse, or if you notice redness around the incisions, talk to your doctor. The doctor will check the wound and see what could be causing the issue.

Diet Restrictions

There aren’t any diet restrictions after a penile implant procedure. But make sure your diet consists of foods that promote healing. This includes dairy products, lean meats, citrus fruits, yellow and green vegetables, and whole grains. If you’re diabetic, you can get back to your calorie-controlled diet as suggested by the American Diabetes Association (ADA).

Follow-Up Appointments

You’ll go back to the doctor after around three weeks. During this appointment, the doctor will show you how to inflate and deflate the implant. Once you get home, you need to run the implant through a full cycle. That means inflating and deflating it once every day. This lets you practice how to use it and allows the tissue in that area to stretch and get used to the new device.

You’ll have another follow-up appointment in around week six post-surgery. The doctor might ask you to demonstrate that you now know how to use the device. You can ask questions you may have about the device. Since this implant is often used to treat erectile dysfunction, it’s only normal to wonder when you can resume sexual activity. In week six, you should be fine.

Pain Medication

After the surgery, the doctor will give you medication to ease your pain. Take it as prescribed. You might feel moderate pain after the procedure, but the drugs should help. If you don’t notice any improvement, call the doctor. You can also take antibiotics to prevent wound infections. Don’t stop taking medication just because you feel better. Taking them as prescribed promotes effective and quick recovery.

Post-op care is critical. When you don’t follow the doctor’s instructions and engage in strenuous activity too soon, you increase the healing duration. Rest up, and allow the wound to heal before resuming physical activity.

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