Halloween Psyche-Up: Toy Hall of Fame Features Halloween-y Artists and Exhibits

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck on October 28, 2013

in Culture

One of the myriad benefits of living in the same city as the National Toy Hall of Fame is the various local vendors that museum-goers (like me) are exposed to from time to time.

Recently, the National Museum of Play/Toy Hall of Fame played host to Monsters and Magical Creatures for the weekend. While the exhibits were fantastic as always, an added bonus were the amazing partners that had tables and booths set up displaying their Halloween-y wares.

One of the vendors was Gil Merritt, the talented artist behind Chenille Macabre. The venture’s tagline, “Truly Twisted Pip Cleaners”, explains exactly what Chenille Macabre is, but you have to see these brilliant works to truly appreciate them. If my budget were to have cooperated, I’d have bought one of each. My 4 year old son was enamored with these little (and some huge) pipe cleaner sculptures as well.

Another vendor of note was Jes Karakashian, Twisted Horror Artist. Her amazing work can be seen here. Perfect to get you in the Halloween spirit!

There was also a MASSIVE folded/twisted balloon dragon created by these guys. Think of the largest balloon animal you could possibly conceptualize and then multiply that by 1000.

Yeah, that’s all balloons. Impressive.

Check out these amazing and talented artists and if you’re in the Rochester area, keep an eye out for future theme weekends at the National Museum of Play/Toy Hall of Fame such as the November 7 induction ceremony!

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