With Wolverine, Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel in cinemas this summer, there’s a lot of buzz around superheroes right now. Everyone’s got their favorite superhero, and seeing them on the big screen can give them a realization that just isn’t attainable when they’re left on the pages of a comic book.
As Superman is set to get his reboot on June 14, Ladbrokes got into the spirit of things by surveying 1000 people about the finer details regarding the superhero fandom – including what they thought about the films.
There are more interesting findings below, but perhaps the most striking was the gender difference in favorite superhero film:
The Dark Knight (21%) and The Dark Knight Rises (19%) were selected by men as the Best Superhero Films ever. Women also enjoyed The Dark Knight Rises (16%), but named Avengers Assemble (17%) as their favorite. The Dark Knight (18%) took the overall title.
Box office bombs
What exactly makes a good superhero film is a matter of opinion, but there’s some that don’t make the grade for a whole host of reasons. Film critics would probably be unsurprised that, out of some of the most notoriously bad superhero films ever made, 2004 flop Catwoman took the cream as far as voters go.
Starring Halle Berry, Catwoman concerns a shy graphic designer who works for an evil cosmetic company. After she saves a cat from a window ledge, she goes to deliver designs to her bosses only to accidently stumble on a fiendish plan concerning beauty cream which rots the skin if it isn’t applied constantly.
When fleeing from the scene, her pursuers chase her down a set of water conduits, and flood the pipes to drown her. The cat which was saved from the window ledge inexplicably appears and brings her back to life, supposedly because it’s the manifestation of the Egyptian Goddess Bast, and the heroine becomes Catwoman.
With a start like that, you know it’s only going to get worse – and to be fair, the fumbling plotline is the least of this film’s troubles.
In second place in the poll with 15% of the vote was 2005 bomb Elektra, which at the time of release was the lowest grossing Marvel Comics film since Howard the Duck.
High flyers
In the battle for votes regarding the Best Superhero Film, Batman came out on top – The Dark Knight snagged the top spot with 18% of votes, and second place was dominated by sequel The Dark Knight Rises with 17%.
At the bottom of the pile came The Incredible Hulk, with only 1% of the vote. Conversely, the 2003 film Hulk received 10% of the Worst Superhero Film vote.
It looks like Wonder Woman is due the big screen treatment, as 32% of those surveyed brought her out on top when asked which superhero should get a film next; and Ryan Gosling was the favorite when asked who should take the role of Batman next.
Overrated films are a matter of opinion, but it was Kick-Ass that landed atop the list of Most Overrated Superhero Films. That didn’t stop it from being a success though.
More survey findings:
- 58% of people preferred Marvel over DC
- 25% said that The Joker was the toughest villain
- The Batmobile is considered the Best Superhero Vehicle by a whopping 62% of people
You can see the full results of the Superhero Film Survey at Ladbrokes.
Top image via ComicVine.
Batman and the franchise is overrated IMO
Adam West movie is my favorite
Keaton was the best Batman AND Bruce Wayne
Bale is a decent Wayne and a terrible Batman
Had Ledger never played Joker, no one wouldve cared about the nolan movies.
The thing that ruined Catwoman was the script … and the fact that they didnt reference the DC character at all, if they made it a DC villain movie that couldve been brought into the future Nolan movies it wouldve been great
… she looked the part.
Batmobile is the vehicle … and the fact that it wasnt in the Nolan movies also makes them suck.
Avengers is probably the best of the superhero movies
Then Iron Man 1 tied with Cap in my opinion
With the right actress (and outfit) Wonder Woman could be huge
Aquaman could be an epic movie
Daredevil and Deadpool both should be HBO TV shows
yadda yadda yadda
The fact that women watch the movies and vote in such a poll is sexy
Youre right about DD and DP. Avengers is def the best so far but it was only allowed to be what it was because the individual movies before it established the characters.
You know I’m with you on all the Bat points. Keaton is the best Wayne& Bats. Nolan-verse way overrated. I think I don’t hate it as much as you but I’m farther on your side than most others.
I want them to make that DP movie with Ryan Reynolds. I’m not a big fan of him but I do think he’s the perfect Dead pool! Could be good.
I can’t wait to see this Batman and Superman film….. I wouldn’t want to be Ben Affleck right about now ha!