by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck
Sure-fire UnderScoopFire Brigade Hall of Famer to-be Andrew Kapellusch recently offered to draw a comic book character of our choice. Our pick was obvious, it had to be the Regeneratin’ Degenerate, the Merc with a Mouth, the patron saint of UnderScoopFire, Deadpool! This is how cool Andrew is: he normally sticks to drawing DC characters, but […]
by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck
Today’s example of why Twitter is awesome: Where else would a conversation between Marvel’s Deadpool and John Stamos happen… AND we all get to see it? Ryan Penagos, Marvel editorial director, recently tweeted about an odd (but rad) dream he had. Each involved party responded, and well, it ends with Deadpool openly threatening John […]