3 Cool Pieces of Software to Take Your Photos to the Next Level

by Staff & Contributors on May 9, 2018

in Gaming

Taking photos has been around for a very long time, but is arguably better than ever before in the modern day. Not only have cameras improved by leaps and bounds, but they have also become much more affordable and portable. While you can still spend a lot on top of the line gear and cameras, there are many good options for those with a budget.

Innovation within this industry has also been incredibly fast moving and it’s showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon. In fact, most people carry around a camera in their pocket (in the form of their cell phone) that is more powerful than most cameras even a few decades ago.

In addition to that, there are so many pieces of software out there that can help photographers in a variety of ways. This article will take a look at three pieces of software that can do incredible things to the pictures you take.

Photo Enhancement Software

If you are taking a photo, you often only get a few seconds to get the right shot. While sometimes the photo turns out perfectly, other times, it can be a bit of a mess. Maybe it is a little blurry, uncentered or simply was taken with a shaky hand. When this happens, many people will just delete the photo and move on.

However, technology has advanced enough to where this isn’t the case anymore. There exists a host of photo enhancement apps and software out there that can enhance your photos in a variety of ways. They can reduce the blur in photos, remove blockage using a clone tool, reduce red-eye and do so much more. These are perfect for making these “missed opportunity” photos great again, without having to try capture the photo again.

Photo Editing Software

In addition to enhancing your photos and making them more crisp, clear, or sharp, you might need to actually change or edit your photos. This is what photo editing software is for. There are many different photo editors on the market, with Photoshop being the most popular as it has well over 10 million users.

These pieces of software can do dozens and dozens of different things that can change your photos. They can make tiny and precise changes if that’s all you need, but can also alter and change pictures in a massive way if that’s what you want. This software can help you make posters, can help you crop photos, add borders, combine photos and more.

If you are a serious photographer or wants to create some beautiful art with your photos, this type of software is a must-have. The creation and editing possibilities are endless and you could spend hours tinkering with the various settings and features.

Photogrammetry Software

Photogrammetry is the science and study of making measurements from photographs. The science has been around for a very long time, but has gotten much more efficient, affordable and usable in the modern day. Software like PhotoModeler and devices like drones have made photogrammetry something that everyone can try out if they so choose.

These not only let you capture amazing photos (from drones) but the software can transform your photos into 3D models on a computer, and are also great for reality capture and surveying.

Armed with these pieces of software, you will be able to do some truly amazing things with your photos. There are affordable and expensive options for each piece of software, each with their own unique features, so be sure to do some research and see which is the best for you.


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