10 Superheroes Whose Current Costume Design Will Never Appear in a Movie

by William Bruce West on April 23, 2013

in Lists, Nerd Culture

As more and more comic book properties are converted to major motion picture franchises, some amount of straying from the source material is to be expected. We’ve lucked out with many successful comic book movie franchises, but there have been some stinkers and false starts.

When a comic based movie is unsuccessful, fanboys typically cite one of two excuses reasons: A.) the filmmakers strayed too far from the source material, or B.) the visual design was altered too greatly.

We’ve seen it so many times- the iconic, probably colorful costumes worn in the comics are changed to flat black and practical for the film version. This was my biggest gripe with G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (yes, bigger than The Baroness being Cobra Commander’s sister and dating Duke), every main character wore all-black gear, thus rendering Snake Eyes’ iconic look ordinary.

Conversely, it is for this same reason that Batman is a comic book character built to succeed as a movie franchise. He wears all black, so no change is necessary to convert him to the big screen. He’s also human, and can exist in a world exactly like ours (populated with insane people as opposed to Gods and aliens).

As easily as Batman transitions to the movie screen, characters like Green Lantern struggle. I’ll admit it.

Here are ten comic book characters whose current costume design will never appear in a movie- with special thanks to Will West for helping with the list (by “helping” I mean composing the first 8 entries entirely and assisting with the 10th). The guy knows way more about comics than I do.


Martian Manhunter

In the future, the Village People will be forced to take in a token Martian. This is who they will choose. That OR he’ll be working at a strip joint where all he wears are those suspenders and his boots.

Another with the same problem: The Vision



Even though the suit is muy caliente, that won’t translate to film. Comics love to depict gravity-defying costumes, but movie costumes err on the side of practicality.

Another with the same problem: White Queen/Emma Frost



Everything about his design is “comic great”, but I’d hate to see it onscreen.



This is a bit of a longshot, but I almost wonder if Marvel would be willing to go with the traditional red suit for him in a movie. Even if they muted it, it runs the risk of just looking like Heavy Artillery Spider-Man to most of Middle America.

They introduced the grey/black stealth suit in Uncanny X-Men, and that color scheme seems to be loved by the X-Men films. If we ever get that Deadpool movie, I wouldn’t be surprised if they went the grey/black route, in leather.


Black Panther

As he’s drawn, it’s just spandex and a cape. A cinematic suit would have some level of armor. If not armor, it would at the very least be black leather.


Any member of Power Pack

Just look at them.


Marvel Boy/The Protector

It just doesn’t do anything for him. Underwhelming, and not very marketable on lunchboxes, even if he IS standing between Cap and Iron Man.


Miss America Chavez

Google it. Nevermind here it is:


Last I heard, they were going to make a Shazam movie and The Rock was cast to play Black Adam. What ever happened to that? Anyway, whether they follow through with a film, a TV show, or anything live-action, there’s no way Shazam’s suit makes it in as is. There aren’t many actors out there that can pull off a satin yellow sash.


Wonder Woman

Here’s where Will and I disagree a bit. I’ll present both arguments, you decide for yourselves:

Howie Decker: Just like Classick Material said on a recent podcast, every costume is black leather now. There’s no way we’ll ever get a comic-true Wonder Woman costume in a movie, especially based on the fate of that failed pilot.

Will West: You don’t think Wonder Woman’s costume would be used? I think they’d mute the colors, especially after the pics of the porn parody suit put the Wonder Woman pilot suit to shame. Still, I feel the pre-New 52 redesign was meant to be more movie-friendly, her current suit is just a recolored version of the original. That said, she’s NOTHING without that suit.


What do you say?  And what other comic book characters’ costumes will never make it to the movie screen?



Dex (@Dex1138) April 23, 2013 at 6:28 am

I always though the green on Vision was part of his costume and red is his “skin” color.

Emma Frost was pretty close in First Class…if you count lingerie as pretty close.

Will April 23, 2013 at 10:23 am

You’re right in terms of that era Emma Frost – until around ’01, her costume was essentially a bustier (sometimes with pants, sometimes not). The suit I didn’t think would translate was the one introduced when Frank Quitely took the art reins for Grant Morrison’s run. It’s hard to describe, but it’s the suit where she basically has an X of skin across the front. She’s worn some variation of that for the past 10 years.

Howard Decker April 23, 2013 at 11:57 am

I probably should have collaborated with you on which images I should have used– but thanks for lending some clarity to this!

Sammy April 23, 2013 at 9:10 am

Good list. I’ve always been impressed w William’s comic knowledge when I’ve heard him on podcasts and stuff. Ans this list could have been broken into pages, I wouldn’t have whined;)

Lamar The Revenger April 23, 2013 at 11:09 am

The Deadpool costume would definitely not work. Grey & black maybe, but not the red one. I can hear this one mom I know scream “Why did they make Spider-man foul mouthed & shooting guns?!? I don’t want my son or anyone else watching this!!” (Yeah, THAT type of mom.)

Howard Decker April 23, 2013 at 11:56 am

Good point. I wonder how much the struggle of how to differentiate him from Spidey at the casual observers’ first glance has gone into the delay of whether or not to move forward with the film or not.

Lamar The Revenger April 23, 2013 at 8:10 pm

Good point. I could see a better chance of a Deadpool movie IF they hadn’t rebooted Spidey. So we probably won’t be getting a Deadpool movie. WAY TO GO SKATER BETTY SPIDEY!!

Vincent April 23, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Wonder Woman’s costume can appear in a movie (with muted colors ) thanks the the fact that she has the legacy of Linda Carter as Wonder Woman. Since it was already once in live action it can forever been in live action. People expect that costume for Wonder Woman. Will’s right, she aint nothing without it.

handsybroad April 23, 2013 at 10:06 pm

Couldn’t agree more on the all black gijoes. I hate it. Takes away the iconic look of the franchise and waters it down.

BM Punk April 24, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Im with Will if they make a WW pic, or in Justice League, she’s gotta be in the costume. Bet it’ll be muted like Man of Steel tho

Bonzulac July 5, 2013 at 11:10 pm

Batman wears all black in the comics? Really?

This list is absurd. I’m sure if it had been made a few years ago, Captain America would have been on it, as well.

Thisguy81 July 22, 2013 at 9:44 pm

Rob Liefeld, the guy who created Deadpool, has stated in interviews that Fox produced a demo reel for a potential Deadpool movie to test out a costume and the suit was a deep red and looked very similar to the comic version. If a movie is made, no way will they make him black or gray. If people couldn’t tell the difference between Deadpool and Spider-man by now, they would have permanently changed the costume a long time ago.

Howard Decker July 23, 2013 at 10:26 am

I agree, it’s red/black or nothing

Fernando Yanmar Narciso July 25, 2013 at 4:02 pm

not to say about power girl’s

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