This advertising industry job seeker named Leah (with a first name that is coincidentally and very fortuitously close in appearance to ‘LEGO’), wanted to find a way to make her resume and job application stand out from the crowd.
She designed and built a LEGO miniscale version of herself in her interview suit, complete with custom instructions that highlight her job skills:
She is yet to (and hopefully will never have to) mass-produce the sets, as the two she created are earmarked for her “dream opportunities”.
Whoever and wherever you are Leah, we want to hire you. Will you work for a modest PayPal stipend and a slight increase in Twitter followers? No? I understand.
That’s awesome. Makes her resume stand out, but I’m not sure it will help her get the job, unless she’s applying to Lego of course….and if that’s the case she should hire a lawyer because they’ll probably be suing her.
I think if the goal was to showcase creativity to an advertising or marketing agency, she’s done that.
This is the best. Forget intern, promote to executive level!
Fast track this person for sure.