8 Reasons G.I. Joe: The Movie is Still the Greatest G.I. Joe Story Ever Told

by Chad E Young on March 18, 2013

in G.I. Joe, Movies

7. Duke’s Final Stand

The original script called for Duke’s death after a dramatic battle with Serpentor. But, after a nasty controversy surrounding Optimus Prime’s death in Transformers: The Movie, this was changed at the last second.

“Mom kicked you out of her will, Falcon. Yo Joe.”

Instead of dying, Duke fell into a coma. If you watch the movie, the part where Serpentor’s spear pierces his heart and he fades away are clear clues. If you watch a foreign release Doc’s line “Duke’s…dead…” is still intact.

I’ve said before I hate Duke as a cocky leader and this would’ve made me a very happy fan, but it wasn’t meant to be. As I mentioned, Falcon was introduced to be Duke’s replacement, but instead he was thrown into the background. At least we got some Scarlett side-boob shots.

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@eclectik March 18, 2013 at 2:16 am

Obviously I disagree with this post on multiple levels and at least 4-5 of the 8 points made here … BUT anything GI Joe (Gen 1) gets props from me … love Joe info, opinion, and memories.


Sammy March 18, 2013 at 9:34 am

You know, as a standalone story its good. Its the erasure of Cobra Commander’s either comic book or imagined backstory that disappointed so many kids. I do enjoy the movie anytime I watch it though

James March 18, 2013 at 10:49 am

Great list Chad, and I love the new layout (pagination) instead of scrolling forever.

j_wizzle March 18, 2013 at 1:45 pm

You’re not the only one who thinks it’s the best! haha


Count Marzo March 19, 2013 at 8:56 pm

As somewhat of a late G.I. Joe bloomer, I reallllly enjoyed this animated movie. The intro is epic and definitely should be the #1 reason here! I know a lot of G.I. Joe #VintagePurists hate a lot about this movie, but I enjoy most of it and you make a great case for several of those points. My only major problem was Cobra Commander becoming a snake. “WASSSSS ONCCCCEE A MANNNNNN”.

I LOVE Nemesis Enforcer. He’s my favorite character to come outta this.

Howie Decker March 20, 2013 at 11:04 am

As a huge G.I.Joe ARAH comic reader (who refers to the Hama comics as my default Joe continuity over the cartoons) even I love this movie, and it flies in the face of everything the comic had spent a decade building.

Count Marzo March 20, 2013 at 4:33 pm

I remember watching it all the time before school when they broke it up into 5 individual episodes. That intro gets you pumped for the day more than a bowl of sugary, marshmallowy cereal!

Joe Mama July 3, 2014 at 1:13 am

You make good points though I disagree. Commander was a genius even if he lost. I always after this movie how he could adapt to human society or why did need him to conquer when they could on the Joes themselves. Love movie, but with questions.

Dan September 27, 2015 at 11:08 am

This is awesome, glad you took the time to post this insight into the GI Joe movie. You’ll never see mainstream cartoons with this sort of awesomeness these days. too much anti-violence and political correctness.

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