UnderScoopFire Fantasy Saturday Night Live League

by Howie Decker @HowardTheDeck on August 14, 2012

in Television

The 38th season of NBC’s Saturday Night Live premieres this Saturday, September 15th.


As Seth Meyers said, this will be a ‘season full of transtitions and surprises’. Election years are always interesting on Saturday Night Live, and this one has already garnered its share of fanfare as Jay Pharoah is taking over for Fred Armisen as President Obama, and Jason Sudeikis has recently announced his eleventh-hour return, signaling another season of him playing Mitt Romney.

I’ve always been an SNL apologist. While others say things like “it hasn’t been good since the 80s” or “it’s sucked since Will Ferrell left”, I prefer to think of it as a revolving door. Sometimes you get stuck in the cramped little glass triangle just after Johnny Three-Bills dropped wolf bait in there, and sometimes you get a nice, brisk, unimpeded change of pace from a boring old standard door. (What?)

Anywho, we decided to enhance our Saturday Night Live viewing experience this year by hosting a Fantasy SNL League.

“What in the spicy hell is a Fantasy SNL League?” – everyone on Twitter

We quickly recruited 11 members and the league is open to more- if you’re interested, fill out the contact form below. There’s no draft to attend, it just requires a weekly check of the scorecard we provide. You will make predictions based on things like what sketches you think they’ll run, potential cameos, and more.

The goal is for it to be fun, competitive, and just one more inane thing for us to “socially network” about. AND you’ll have something to root for while watching this season of SNL!


How it works:

Each week, we’ll publish an SNL scorecard for each league member to fill out and submit on UnderScoopFire.

We”ll provide a list of possible sketches for that week’s show. Each correct guess = 1 point.

Will there be an ad parody after the opening monologue? If so, for what type of product (in general)? Correct guess = 5 points.

Will there be any non-former-SNL-cast-member cameos? (Timberlake, Hamm, etc.) Correct guess = 10 points.

Will a former cast member make an appearance? If so, who? Correct guess = 5 points.


Brian Morin September 14, 2012 at 12:59 am

I’m in. At least it will give me a reason to watch it regularly.

ShezCrafti September 14, 2012 at 11:14 am

I’m in like a van down by the river. Wait, that didn’t make any sense.

Howie Decker September 14, 2012 at 3:03 pm

sadly, to me it did. Glad you’re in! Emails have been sent to Week 1 participants!

Classick September 14, 2012 at 12:47 pm

I paid close attention to all of the rules in this post up until Katy Perry’s Elmo shirt… I’ll be scrolling back up now.

Howie Decker September 14, 2012 at 3:02 pm

It’s ridiculous. Inserted purely to score Google image search results traffic. Shameless but effective.

Firefly Cobra September 15, 2012 at 10:00 pm

Katy Perry’s boobs!!!…. Wait, why was I here again?…Oh yeah…count me in. HAIL COBRA!!!

Howie Decker September 17, 2012 at 3:50 pm

Apparently Perry’s boobs distracted you from getting your picks in on time! Come on! It’s still early, you can come back easily..

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