Some Common Car Insurance Myths and Fraud Cost

by Staff & Contributors on September 8, 2020

in Gaming

Although finding the cheapest car insurance isn’t too complicated to secure, there exist a few misconceptions when finding the best company for your needs. What follows are a few myths that have confused many when beginning to find cheap car insurance with no down payment for your needs. Be careful to keep yourself from the following errors and misconceptions.

First Myth: One insurance company has cheaper rate overall than another one. Although this is true when comparing the identical coverage for the same person, there’s really no such thing as a provider that always provides the best rate. So, whenever your situation changes, and changes always come about as grow older, you need to go looking again.

Myth Two: Once you sign up for the lowest rate, you ought to remain with it. Let me as you some questions. Have you been given a moving violation in the past few years? Have you gotten older in the past year? Have you changed jobs? Had any more children? As time passes, the circumstances related to your cheapest car insurance have altered. The competing rates have almost certainly changed as well. You need to compare companies again to achieve optimum savings.

Myth Three: You safely use a quote comparison service. As you are seeking buy now pay later car insurance, you will probably make use of some sort of service to get competing rate quotes. You must take care, however, due to the fact that your needs often don’t be in line with those providing this service.

A few conflicts of interest are:

1.They may only be taking into account a subset of insurers with which they receive commissions.

2.They may overtly highlight their product or the one that gives the most payout for them.

3.They may direct you to unnecessary riders and coverage so that their highest paying plan will look the best.

We wonder if you know anyone who has listened to the above errors? Seeing as you know what to look out for, you are set up to get car insurance with no deposit! The more who aren’t in error regarding this subject the better. If you want to share your experience in getting first moth free car insurance, you are invited to post it to the site highlighted below. All stories are welcome!

Rising Car Arson and Insurance Fraud Costs

With the economy experiencing a slowdown or negative growth people are trapped in debts they are unable to pay for. This is the time when desperation forces car and SUV owners to take risky and illegal decisions such as insurance fraud to break their debts, even though risking to get caught. This illustrates the tight correlation between economy and insurance fraud because the latter tends to drop suddenly when there is a positive economy growth.

Although insurance fraud is not something new, in the last couple of years they marked an alarming increase. In many states arson task forces have been set up to fight this growing disaster. They revealed some unexpected facts, linking car dealership personnel as instigators in many cases. The system worked perfectly – a bankrupt car owner comes into the dealership and wants to trade in his vehicle because he cannot afford to make the high car payments for it. But it turns out that he owes much more than his car is worth. So, the ‘enterprising’ dealership employee connects the car owner to a local arsonist who takes care of the vehicle.

Of course, there are cars that were really stolen, vandalized and then burned but there is a deep distinction between the way a real robbery followed by a torching and a made-up car arson is done. Cases of true theft show that the thief usually burns anything that could link it back or identify himself. While an intentional arson as a type of insurance fraud aims to cause such damages to the vehicle that it cannot possibly be fixed and therefore gas and other flammable liquids that accelerate the burning will eventually be found at the place.

But How to Deal with This?

The problem has a few aspects: high car prices, people getting car loans without being able to pay for them, at the same time increasing number of car purchases because of the easy accessibility of car loans, and due to the strong demand, a new rise in prices which affects everybody. And the fact that rising car arson and insurance fraud cost everyone is the reason why numerous consumer protection laws have been passed which obligate both dealers and customers to be more responsible.

There should also be a special education in secondary schools on debt and money management. Money and wealth are a topic like any other and can be taught and studied so that better financial results can be achieved on individual and social level. The classes should reveal that debts are obligations that we create ourselves, so we should learn how to plan and adapt our family budgets to them. These classes should also teach us how to find out about all the legal ways that can help us deal with our debts and will increase the financial and legal culture of young people, so that they don’t resort to methods like car arson and insurance fraud which hurt everyone.

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