
by Joe Zicari @SharePointJoe on August 2, 2011

in Culture

Earlier this week I wrote an open letter to social networking sites.  Well, today I would like to add how social networking has failed (me).

A little back story, recently my friends and I did a fantasy sitcom draft. It was essentially a bunch of us picking characters from sitcoms encompassing the 1970s to the present. It was actually really fun despite sounding very nerdy.  Stop judging!

Anyways, round 2 had me pitted against one of my good friends. It was a battle for the ages. Two wonderful storylines backed by some great TV characters.  He and I went to our respective social networking realms asking (or begging) for votes (yes, he and I share numerous common friends).

In the end, the final count was……well I won’t give the final number but know that he beat me by 1 vote.  I’m fine with the outcome (despite my calls for him not being eligible. An “I want to see his birth certificate” type debate). What I wasn’t fine with was the actual turnout of voters.  You see I have 450 followers on twitter and another 300+ friends on Facebook (Plus all of my opponent’s followers and friends). My hope was that a fraction of those followers and friends would cast their vote. You see to me, 10 seconds of anyone’s time is not too much to ask. It’s not like people aren’t wasting time on the net anyways.  If 10% of my followers and friends would have voted, it would have been a landslide, in my favor. Of course the same could have happened for him. Neither scenario happened.

So there you have it, social networking failed.  Big time.  I can’t blame the networking sites; I blame the followers and friends.  Every day I see people asking for help. Begging, whining and crying for help.  Me being who I am, I helped when I could.

Don’t ask me to vote for your dog, favorite food or your website.

I took those 10 seconds to vote.  My theory is that if I don’t have to sign up for anything, no big deal whatsoever.  I’ll cast a vote where I can.  I’ve come to a decision, going forward I’m done.  Don’t ask me to vote for your dog, favorite food or your website. You request will go unnoticed.  (Except when it comes to the New York Islanders August 1st Vote…Vote Yes!)

Facebook and Twitter are full of brown noses and butt kissers.  People have time to ask for retweets or smooch the rear ends of their “friends”, yet 10 seconds to vote was too much to ask.  I get it, I understand.  No I don’t.

I’m not that bitter.  Nah, I’m definitely very bitter.  It’s ok though, it’s my right.  I’ll sit in my corner of the internet sulking, thinking of what could have been.

In closing I would like to say to everyone, thanks for following me, friending me but most of all listening to me.

As always- comment below, follow me on twitter @SharePointJoe or find me on Facebook.

Sincerely yours….

Joey Z

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