If you want to sell your vehicle, you need to get maximum out of that. Buying a car is an investment, so you should consider the fact that people are going to make a conscious choice comparing your vehicle with the other ones available on the market. So do not hesitate to conduct some actions that will increase the sale price of your vehicle and at the same time make it more attractive for a future buyer.
Clean, Fix and Check Car’s History
When someone is considering your car for purchase, he is likely to order a CAR FAX VIN check to make sure the vehicle he will purchase is ok. That is why you need to make sure you provide real information on the vehicle, as if there are differences between the VIn check results report and information provided by you, the potential buyer is likely to refuse buying the car due to the lack of trust to you as a seller.
So you need to order VIN check first for yourself, and make sure there are no issues with the car you do not know about – for example, double-check that the car is not listed in the eligible police reports.
Work Over the Vehicle Appearance
When you buy a car, the first thing you make a point of is the general appearance. This is the rule that always works, so you need to make sure the vehicle looks attractive; remove the scratches and damages; you may even have to refurbish the vehicle. Remember that if vehicle looks like new, you can increase the price considerably even if there are some issues in the interior.
If you are going to sell the car, you have to wash the vehicle inside and out, and make it shine. If you have no time for that, you’d better order cleaning from professionals. It will be more costly than just washing the vehicle yourself, but the result will be much more impressive. Make sure there is no unpleasant smell inside the car, or in the trunk. The potential buyer will definitely feel the smell, and will pay attention to it.
Consider that before making a purchase, the buyer keeps in mind the factors that affect his choice the most. You should also be aware what your potential buyer is seeking for.
Fix the Technical Issues
Make small repairs, replace oil, and order diagnostics to make sure all the systems perform properly. If you are aware the car has any safety issues which are too costly to repair, decide what is better for you – to sell it as it is, but cheaper, or to make a repair, but then sell the vehicle for a higher price.
Underline the Advantages
You need to understand who your car fits the best. Just consider why have you chosen it when you bought it, what factors were the main for you and made you choose this car among hundreds of other models. It is likely that your potential buyer is going to have the same reasons.
Consider that when you write an announcement, try to be honest and creative at the same time. Consider as an example the fact that Honda Accord that has been sold for $20 000 just because the seller made a viral video to promote it creatively. That doesn’t mean you have to do the same – just remember that advertisement has to attract attention.
Make a Brief Market Research
When you sell a vehicle you should consider the competitors. There are other people selling their cars, and some even sell the same model, so you need to make your offer good enough to sell your car for an optimal price.