6 Reasons You Should Grow Up Playing Video Games

by Staff & Contributors on November 18, 2018

in Gaming

We are living in the 21st century but, there are many people in the world who see video games as the guilty pleasure. Well, this is to do with the video games and how they have secured their position for 30 years. The game industry has made us see games as vibrant, loud, brash and arcane. There are many stereotypes built around these games like Candy crush saga is the time killer while Call of Duty is the enemy killer. People have forgotten to look beyond this as they have many fun and enjoyable elements. Many games these days are providing bonus to attract more players.

Meanwhile, the past five years have given a rebirth to the video game design. The democratization of the means has produced new voices and ideas. Interesting things are happening. According to the reports, and recent studies, people who play video games are happier in comparison to those who do not play video games.

So, here are some reasons why you should play video games while growing up:

  • Video games are economical:

Unlike other games, video games are available at low rates. For example, Witcher 3 or Fifa 2017 comes around £50 and the fun and enjoyment it gives is limitless. People usually search for the things that can give them long time fun. You can also wait for the sale on the websites such as PlayStation Network, Steam and, Xbox Live.

  • Video Games and Technology go in parallel:

The video game is the best thing which can help you to learn new technology. Whether it is game information display or input devices, the game lovers are demanding when it comes to interface design. Technologies like virtual realities (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are utilized to render the best games. Various devices are used to make games interesting like the PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive headsets. It has become a significant test for artificial intelligence research.

  • Video Games are culturally cautious:

You will get many people who produce and direct television shows, movies and, if you ask them about their childhood then, they were usually routed through video games. Video games have transferred their lives and inspired them to create wonderful things. Two of the most interesting TV programmers of 2016 such as Mr. Robot and West-world were inspired by game design. If you look into the Marvel series then, it was also inspired by games full of puzzles, clues, and interesting features.

  • It helps you to get socialize with people:

If you are a player of PBUG then, you must be aware of the fact that it will help you to connect with your friends with whom you can chat or talk while playing the game. There are also many games who give multiplayer opportunity to play games.

  • Future of self-expression:

Many years ago when people wanted to come forward to say something about their lives, they choose the way of writing and music to express it but, now video games have become the expression of individuals. It will help you to express yourself. There are many cheap tools available to develop games such as Unity, Twine, and Scratch.

  • Video games bring fun:

For a healthy and happy life, one should opt for video games to play. As per the recent study, people who play video games are happier than those people who do not play video games. It gives a world full of fascinating things which help you to explore new things as well as technology.

So, just like any other things, include video games in your life. It is really important to see video games alongside, textbooks, music, and television.


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