Top Games to Watch Out For

by Staff & Contributors on December 28, 2015

in Gaming

Just when you think there’s nothing better than your game, another one is the release that rocks your world. Don’t get left behind while your friends scramble to find the best new titles with state-of-the-art graphics and exciting new features. No one wants to be the one who is always talking about last year’s game when everyone else is walking away to go play the newest thing. They say learning a language is like gaining another life, and this must be true of games as well because a new game can introduce you to an entirely new world. Don’t stay on Earth while everyone else has caught the spaceship to the newest dimension.

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

You may be cynical enough to believe that if there really is a zombie apocalypse anytime soon, they will all finally drop dead because there is nothing to eat. Brains don’t seem to be available in abundance nowadays, which is becoming increasingly clear, so why not escape into the world of a fantastic game that would make your mother’s toes curl. Dead Rising 2 is a great sequel to the original with even more monsters than you ever imagined even in a high-tech game.

The brave photojournalist returns to do battle against these creatures with inventive new weapons that you’ve never seen before while taking pictures of all of his adventures. While zombies don’t stay dead for long (which makes them convenient for those who like sequels), it is thrilling to get rid of them while you can so you can play for time until they return.

Batman Arkham City

you can always count on the Batman and the Joker for delightfully lurid and  Gothic and graphics that look as if they should be hanging in a museum. Those who felt satisfied with Batman Arkham Asylum will be even more thrilled with Batman Arkham City. The game developers were smart enough to realize that they got it right the first time and yet still improved on the first game.

You can experience the same exciting and unconventional fighting with the haunting voices luring you into an original adventure. Some say playing the game seems like a knockoff of the other Arkham game, but since the original was so fantastic, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with that. Rocksteady Studios know how to provide consistent customer enjoyment without innovating for the sake of novelty or being dull. This is the perfect approach for dealing with diehard fans such as those whose day is not complete without at least a bit of Batman.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Activision is a byword for fantastic games, and if you are a fan of the company, chances are you can’t wait for the newest game to come out. You might be searching for Activision CEO Bobby Kotick’s Facebook friendship or wait in line earnestly to purchase the newest release. While there are some treats in store for new releases, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare was voted top-selling console game of the year for 2016, and this franchise has won the honor for the eighth consecutive year. This is based on actual revenues and not necessarily player reviews, but gamers tend to speak with their pocketbooks.

If you like the idea of fighting for the entire solar system against the bad guys who want to invade and destroy first the solar system and then the universe, you can fight for humankind in the comfort of your home with this highly sophisticated shooting game that makes you feel as if you’re in combat. The single-player version of this game is given higher reviews than the multiplayer version, but the zombie mode is a popular favorite.

Lego Marvel Superheroes

Who doesn’t love Lego, Marvel superheroes, and video games? You can have three things that you most likely enjoy in one place with this game. You have your choice of heroes for role-playing including the Avengers, Spiderman, Fantastic Four and others. The bad guys you have to face are Loki, Magneto, and Dr. D. Marvel brings fun into gaming in a lighthearted way and is a more laid-back way of fighting off bad guys. You can play this game in front of your little brother without frightening him and still it provides plenty of thrills and excitement to satisfy even the most adventurous gaming appetite.

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is not merely a game but it is a way of life. The game has dominated not only the gaming scene but the lives of many people for 12 years. It is hard to imagine that even one person who has played this game has regretted the time they have spent creating customizable characters in colorful battle with realistic and stunning graphics that can make the heart race. It is easy to understand how someone can get lost in World of Warcraft and never want to return except for as much time as it takes to purchase the first version.

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